麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society

Our 利记手机官网

马萨诸塞州历史学会主要收集手稿——信件, 日记, and other personal papers of individuals and families. 该协会拥有许多著名的文件,如保罗·里维尔自己对他著名的骑行的描述,以及托马斯·杰斐逊和约翰·亚当斯的《利记手机官网》的手稿副本. 然而, 该收藏的真正优势在于,数百万页的文件是如何交织在一起的,是研究美国历史的主要资料来源.

In addition to manuscripts, the Society holds large collections of books, 小册子, 地图, 报纸, and photographs, 以及支持图书馆馆藏研究的艺术作品和历史文物.


手稿集包括超过1400万页(3),700 separate collections) of personal and family papers and, to a lesser extent, 从欧洲人开始定居到现在的制度和早期商业记录. Highlights include manuscript copies of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams; the diary of Samuel Sewall, a judge at the Salem Witch Trials and an early antislavery advocate; Paul Revere’s account of his famous midnight ride written at the suggestion of Jeremy Belknap in order to preserve a first-hand testimony of the event; poems and letters by Phillis Wheatley, America’s first African American poet; and documents related to the 麻萨诸塞州 54th Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 这是南北战争期间在北方组建的第一个非裔美国人团. 的 Society holds 日记, 记录, 以及记录在法国和印度服役人员生活的信件, 革命, 和内战.


的 Photograph Collection consists of approximately 120,000 images that span the development of photographic technology, including hundreds of daguerreotypes, 锡版照相法, 玻璃, glass-plate negatives, and carte-de-visite portraits of individuals and family groups. 2000多张图片记录了废奴运动和南北战争.

Books and Pamphlets

Books and 小册子 printed through 1821, 包括大量17世纪马萨诸塞州的版画和许多早期的外国出版物, and broadsides and 报纸, comprise the Early Imprint Collection. 馆藏还包括现代参考资料、传记和小册子.


早期印记收藏包括许多在美国印刷的第一本书,其中包括Rev. John Eliot’s “Indian Bible,” Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God (Cambridge, 1663), the first Bible printed in America in any language; and Samuel Sewall’s 的 Selling of Joseph (Boston, 1700), the first antislavery tract printed in New England.


的 Society holds more than 10,000张单面纸——单面印刷的单张纸,作为公告的主要工具. 考虑到它们的特定时间使用的短暂性,这是一个庞大而重要的汇编. Generally posted or read aloud, 炮弹是法律法规的官方通告,并提供战斗消息, 死亡, 执行, and other current events. 亮点包括1643年哈佛大学毕业典礼的通知, announcements of antislavery rallies, 以及美国历史上最重要的一份印刷文件——《利记手机官网》为数不多的印刷原件之一.


的 Map Collection consists of approximately 2,展示美国历史和发展的500幅地图和图表. 的 collection is particularly strong in 地图 of Boston, 麻萨诸塞州, 和新英格兰,包括第一张在马萨诸塞州印刷的地图. 塞缪尔C. 克拉夫收藏的特色是克拉夫在20世纪初准备的手稿地图和地图集, but unfinished, topographical history of Boston. 其他亮点还包括弗朗西斯·拉塞尔·哈特收集的西印度群岛和中美洲地图, and the charts and 16 engraved printing plates for Joseph F. W. Des Barres's Atlantic Neptune (1776-1781.)


的 Society's collection of graphics consists of approximately 4,000 portrait 打印 and drawings, 230 silhouettes, 和2,000 images of historical events. Notable pieces include Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre; the earliest known American woodcut, a 1670 portrait of Richard Mather; and mezzotints of Native American leaders. 收藏还包括第一次世界大战招募和战争贷款海报.


的 Newspaper Collection contains 300 titles, 从单期的美国和外国报纸到大量的早期波士顿报纸. 该协会保存着许多仅存的18世纪报纸, such as the Boston News-Letter, 哪一份报纸于1704年开始发行,是殖民地第一份每周发行的报纸. 的 collection also contains James Franklin’s New-England Courant, published from 1721 to 1727, which includes Benjamin Franklin’s first appearance in print, as well as a complete run of 的 Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison’s antislavery newspaper.


的 Historical Artifact Collection, holds more than 3,000 objects and more than 7,000 numismatics (coins, 奖牌, 和纸币),代表了几个世纪的美国历史. 一块怀表,属于清教徒牧师科顿·马瑟, according to family tradition, was “carried by him among the Indians, 谁, 听到嘀嗒声,他们都吓坏了,以为他口袋里装着魔鬼.一个17世纪晚期的抽屉柜后来被称为“女巫局”,1861年的一份描述写道:“从中间的抽屉里……一个女巫跳了出来,被挂在绞刑架山上。, 在塞勒姆.” Other highlights include the pen Abraham Lincoln used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation; a windowsill from a Harvard detention house, signed by students confined for bad behavior in the early 19th century; the swords of William Prescott and John Linzee 谁 fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill; George Washington’s epaulettes; and a silver urn made by Paul Revere in the neoclassical style he adopted toward the end of the American Revolution.


的 MHS Art Collection includes 380 portrait paintings, 67 city- and landscapes, 165 miniature portraits, and 52 雕塑s. Since 1796—when the MHS acquired its first painting, 殖民总督托马斯·哈钦森(Thomas hutchinson)的肖像——该协会的艺术收藏对其出色的美国历史档案起到了至关重要的补充作用. 与绘画, 雕塑, 打印, and drawings by artists both famous and obscure, 协会的艺术作品揭示了对另一个时期生活的惊人观察, capture the figures 谁 shaped American history, and depict monuments and natural features of the continent, including many that disappeared centuries ago. We hold art by some of early America’s most noted painters, among them John Singleton Copley, 爱德华·萨维奇, 约翰Smibert, 吉尔伯特斯图亚特, Eliza Goodridge, and John Trumbull. 城市景观和景观形成了一个小而重要的子集,其中包括由Josiah Wolcott设计的布鲁克农场的两幅原始视图, dated 1845 and c. 1846.


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